Liz Aggiss workshop

What a fantastic way to spend the day.  Today (Saturday 12th Oct) Cafe Reason had the privilege of a workshop with Liz Aggiss.  After a fascinating account of Liz’s personal journey and influences we were thrown into some quick thinking action.  (May be slow by others’ standards but all new to us and joyfully challenging).

We used time, pulse, voice and image in a series of crafted exercises that really  illustrated the power of these elements when used with precision and focus.  Scary and exhilirating at the same time.  A really good learning experience giving a flavour also of some of the absurd and hilarious outcomes of layering rules.

German Expressionist dance , butoh, punk, the grotesque and the surreal.  Threads of international connections and the accumulation of lifes experiences and influences  in the search that we share for a way of dance that communicates something real.  Inspiring.

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