My Time Project
My Time…
Collaboration between dance artist Ana Barbour and VJ artist Dariusz Dziala.
Live dance and film work commissioned by Pegasus Theatre and Oxford Dance Forum for their ‘Moving with The Times’ programme for the Dancin’ Oxford festival 2011. This work was performed on March 10th and 11th 2011 at The Pegasus Theatre.
Exploring the potential of light, camera, projection and dance to express the impact of physical degeneration on the dancing body. Enhanced by specially commissioned soundtrack by Malcolm Atkins.
This production is supported by the National Lottery through Arts Council England.
Elements of what will become a longer version of it appeared in Ana’s ‘Don’t worry’ solo in ‘Matrix’ by Cafe Reason staged at The Pegasus Theatre June 3-4th 2011.
Video trailer.
Radio Oxford with Jo Thoenes Interview -part 2
Photos of performance at Pegasus Theatre March 2011 by Matthew Hamilton-Green
Video documentation of performance at Pegasus by Matthew Hamilton Green
Film version of My Time by Dariusz Dziala
Diary/blog of project process between 31 Dec 2010 – 16 March 2011