dance and academia. Space to Dance

Organised by Miranda Laurence, this dance conference was entitled Space to Dance: Exploring Movement, Site and Surroundings and included a practical workshop and talks by architect, landscape architect, choreographers and geographer.*  I found this an inspiring and thought provoking day.  Really great to have different disciplines coming together and hearing from such variety of perspectives.  Really good that it included a practical movement session (with plenty of spoken insights , observations and reflections), that the talks allowed opportunity for questions and discussion and that we were also treated to a walk around Oxford sites (in the sun!) to consider with bodies as well as minds the impact of site and design.  Great. The day rounded off with a visit to the castle where Compagnie retourament were performing ‘Danse des Cariatides.’ A wonderful opportunity to see in practice the use of space/site in dance.  This was the latest in ODF’s programming of professional dance development opportunities.  Well attended, and with plenty to think about and take away it was a great success. Thank you.

*Clive Albert (Malcolm Fraser Architects) ; Lesley Cotton (Architect and Landscape Architect);
Fabrice Guillot (Choreographer, Compagnie Retouramont); Struan Leslie (Head of Movement, Royal Shakespeare Company); Rita Marcalo (Choreographer, Instant Dissidence);
Derek McCormack (School of Geography and The Environment, Oxford University)

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