DEC prepares for artweeks and two May performances

A busy month for DEC with all the visual artists (Susan Moxley, Kassandra Isaacson and Clare Bassett)  opening their studios and exhibiting their work and the group preparing for performances on 4th May in Headington and on 23rd May at OFS.

Today’s practice session focussed on how to use a small rather than a large screen/wall.  We discovered that the impact is quite significant and does not enable us to employ the full range of techniques and visual interactions that we have been developing.   However, we did discover a few new approaches both to material and to use of space.  With our attention on the theatre performance at OFS on the 23rd the challenge of adapting our work to a big, light church space with no screen or plain walls is quite great!  The site specific responder in me wants to take over but for this we would need much more time developing work in the space itself.

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